Matt Cronin |||

About Me

This is a Test

I am the educator for the Marblehead Community Charter Public School in Marblehead, Massachusetts. We are a 4-8 school with 230 students from around the North Shore. My job combines principal, tech administration, and educator professional development. I am lucky that this job affords me the opportunity to keep learning. I keep seeking ways to nuture an vibrant learning enviroment.

When I find some free time, I am usually skulking about the Northeast either biking, hiking, or running (I get in a car sometimes too). About once a year some wanderlust hits me. This usually involves my hastily packing my bags and traveling to someplace. Then after eating lots food, seeing some neat things, and walking around, I find my way back home.

Figuring Out What Comes Next

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque mollis fermentum sapien et aliquam. Suspendisse quis ultricies nulla. Fusce vel velit vitae odio gravida convallis nec in risus. Curabitur elit quam, elementum id cursus ut, gravida in est. Nunc ac tellus et nibh interdum facilisis ac id dolor. Suspendisse sed molestie justo. Donec sapien metus, consectetur ut cursus eget, bibendum egestas dui. Fusce vitae elit lacus, posuere elementum quam. Fusce diam orci, molestie nec suscipit ac, auctor sed est.

Pellentesque ut massa nec leo imperdiet condimentum. In tincidunt sodales est, ac tincidunt sapien fringilla sit amet. Praesent nec quam eget massa rhoncus accumsan non at sem. Quisque porttitor auctor magna id ultricies. Curabitur ipsum erat, fringilla ut faucibus in, lacinia euismod sem. Etiam tincidunt gravida diam, vel malesuada nunc tincidunt id. Cras non tellus eu sem fermentum ornare.